Thursday, April 27, 2017

In this report, I’m going to show you, step by step, exactly how to create a high-converting squeeze page and start building your list from scratch.
First I’ll show you how to create a “Lead Magnet” by finding a high quality product with 7 Steps to Results with the 4% group.
Next, GetResponce where you learn a easy way to create a squeeze page and download page with
Then I’ll show you how to set up your email follow-up system and quickly build a relationship with your subscribers.
And finally, I’ll give you five methods for driving targeted traffic and start building your list immediately.
Let’s get started…
Step 1: Find a Quality PLR Product
Here's what I recommend: go on over to 7 steps to results website and sign up for his free membership (Click here). You can receive a ingenious training platform for free. He also has a Pro Member option in his membership where you get trained to make 100K in 90 Days. I highly recommend it.
You can also try looking at the ClickBank and try to find 3 or more high quality PLR products related to your niche. Please make sure to check their license, as your main goal is to give these offers in exchange for email addresses, hence your product license should allow for you to give it away.
Here is how you search and find high quality offers: Once you're at the ClickBank, you need to be logged in to use the advance search option.
When you login to your account, click on Market Place.
Enter your keywords + PLR in the search box and select ClickBank Special Offers forum. In the screen shot below I have used "list building plr”as my keyword.
At the time of this writing there were 239 search results. These are all offers that you can buy with private label rights. However, you need to do some research and look at the rights to find something that you can give away on your squeeze page.
Step 2: Create Your Squeeze Page
You need a real high quality and professional squeeze page, to capture the email address of new subscribers. Many people think they need hundreds of dollars to get a real high quality and good looking page, but that’s not right.
I use “GetResponce” to create my squeeze page. This plugin allows me to build a high quality squeeze page in under 30 minutes.
You can also do a Google search for free WordPress squeeze pages and you will find a bunch of them. But like I said, Seven steps to Results already have email in the GetResponce auto responder where it takes a lot of work out of your hands” I do recommend it, as it will make life much easier for you!
Seven Rules to Follow
If you want to maximize your opt-in rate, follow these rules…
1. Grab Attention - You have about three seconds to grab the attention of your visitor and give them a reason to stay before they click away to the next site. What people want to know is, “What’s in it for me?” So you need a headline that says exactly what they need to hear.
2. Focus on the Benefits – Once you have their attention, you have to keep it by telling exactly what your freebie is going to do and how it’s going to help them get what they want.
3. Imply Scarcity – This exclusive offer won’t be free for long. We’re actually selling this product for $17 here…But since
you’re a VIP subscriber, you can get it free if you act right now.
4. Tell Them What to do – Next you need to tell how to get what you’re offering. For example, “Enter your name and email below for instant access to your free report.”
5. Get a Real Email Address – You need to give an incentive or a reason to enter a real email address. Tell them the download link will be sent to their email inbox or they will need to confirm to get the download.
6. Use a privacy statement. Ensure your subscribers that their information will not be shared with anyone and that you respect their privacy.
7. Test Everything – A good-looking graphic can increase your opt-in rate. But a bad-looking graphic can actually hurt you. Adding a trust seal on your squeeze page lets your visitors know you do business with honesty and integrity.
Step 3: Set Up Your Download Page
Your new subscribers will have to check their email to get the link to your download page, which is a great place to promote other products. Here’s an example:
The best time to present an offer, is right after your prospect has taken action and shown interest in your offer.
You don’t want your prospect to download your free gift and walk away. So encourage him to stay and consume the information immediately or send the actual download link in the immediate autoresponder.
Tip: You can add tracking links to the free offers of your click banking partners (more on that later). You can also exchange download page clicks with other online marketing experts (more on that later).
Step 4: Set Up Your Followup System
Once you have the lead generation system in place, it’s time to load your autoresponder with a series of email messages that will be sent automatically to your new subscribers. (By the way, if you don’t already have an autoresponder service then I also, recommend Aweber)
The first message is sent immediately after a visitor subscribes. This is a good time to start building a relationship with your new subscriber.
Thank them for requesting your free gift and give them a link to the download page. And then tell them a little about yourself, how you got started in this business, and what they can expect from you in the future.
Give them a reason to stay on your list.
Tip: If you’ve had success with the product you are promoting, let them know by telling your story. Include a testimonial or endorsement for the affiliate product.
The next message should be queued for the following day. Ask if they got a chance to read the report and what they thought of it. Include a tip, a benefit, or something you learned from the product you’re promoting at the close of the message.
Tip: To get messages opened, use short subject lines that create curiosity like, “How to Get Instant Traffic”.
The third message should go out the next day. This should be another tip or method that you learned from the product you’re selling. And then give them a link to buy.
Two days later, you could send a second free gift that’s related to another affiliate offer and then repeat the process.
You can add more followups over time until you have at least 30 days of moneymaking content being sent automatically.
Tip: Every time you send a broadcast that gets a good response, you should add it to the end of your autoresponder series. Once you have your sales funnel set up, it’s time to start driving TRAFFIC!
Step 5: Drive Traffic to Your Funnel
The Click Banking Method
This is the fastest and cheapest method to build your list. And in this method, you can literally double your list building speed. In case you don’t know what click banking is, in simple words, you find other marketers in the niche you're working in and trade certain amounts of clicks with them.
For Example, “I will send you 50 clicks or 100 clicks over the course of this month. And what you will do, is return those clicks all at once after I’m done.”
How to Find Click Banking Partners
Finding click banking partner is very easy. Just head over to Facebook and find all the groups related to list building. Usually people in these groups are used to solo ads, but you can find click banking partners just by posting a Simple status “ hi guys, I am looking for click banking partners. I have no issue delivering clicks first”.
Just Click on the link below and you will find hundreds of Facebook groups related to list building:
Download Page Method
A download page is the page where your subscribers land after they receive their download link and looking to download their free report.
On this page, you can put your affiliate link to the product you're promoting. And you can include the link of your click banking partner. That’s a great place to get clicks for your click banking partner.
Guest Blog Posting Method
In this method, find 15 to 20 top blogs with high traffic and then ask their owners if they are accepting sponsored posts, which you're happy to pay them for.
That’s the best and cheapest method I have been using over the years to get laser targeted subscribers. If you use this method, you can easily get around 15 to 20 cents, per subscribers.
For example, head over to Google and type in “weight loss blogs” and start making a list of blogs, which have top ranking. After you sort out 30 to 40 blogs, head over to Alexa and check the traffic reports and list the blogs with high traffic. Start sending emails to their admin.
You'll need to pay between $40 and $50 per sponsored post. And if you choose the right blog, you will be ending up with about 150 to 200 subscribers in no time.
There are chances that you may fail on your first attempt because, finding the right quality blog with traffic is a bit of a difficult task. But, once you find a good blog, then you can extend the sponsored post to get even more subscribers.
The OPL Method
OPL stands for Other People’s Lists. In this method, you will reach out to list owners, who are already working in a niche with a big list. Ask them if they will send your ad to their entire list of subscribers. And of course, you will be happy to pay in return.
This method is different from buying clicks from solo advendors. In solo ads, you simply contact the Solo Ads Providers and get a certain amount of clicks, but the quality of clicks are not as good. The vendor is not only selling you clicks, but he or she is also selling solo ads to other people.
So if you get subscribers, who are also choosing to optin to other marketers' lists, and they are receiving daily emails from those marketers, then your click through rate decreases.
Instead, look for marketers who have been building their lists for their own marketing purpose and they are not regularly selling solo ad clicks.
Here is how I find out people with big lists. Just head over to Google and type your “keyword+newsletter” or your “keyword+ezine”.
For example: “Weightloss newsletters” or “Weightloss ezine”
Then find 40 to 50 blogs who are using optin forms on their website. Send an email to each blog owner and ask if you can buy a solo ad from them.
If they say “Yes” or “Maybe”, then tell them about your offer and ask how many clicks do they get per mailing and how much they would charge to send your offer to their list.
And then wait for couple of days. You will be receiving emails from blog owners with statistics. Buy a solo ad from a list owner who has a minimum of 3,0000 subscribers. I usually pay $100 to $150 for sending my advertisement to their complete list.
In this way, you're buying traffic, which is 100% super laser targeted, because they optin to a form related to a certain niche. And you're working in that niche, so you will get a minimum of around 1% subscribers (30,000 * .01 = 300).
See, you're getting 50 cent per subscriber and if you buy you will be paying somewhere around 35 to 45 cent per click.
The Free WSO Method
Launching a free WSO will literally double the speed of building list. The only downside is, you have to pay 40$ to launch a free WSO. But, you can get hundreds of subscribers day in and day out. Literally, you will get 1,000s of free subscribers every day.
If you're launching a free WSO, you don’t need a 15 or 20 page report. You can compile a 5 page report and offer it as a gift. Just create a simple sales copy and launch your free WSO. You don’t
need to hire a professional graphic designer or html expert to really come up with an amazing sale page.
Just search the Warrior Forum and see what other people are doing. Try to copy their sales page, but write it in your own wording and that’s it!
I’ve given you a step-by-step, for creating a high-converting squeeze page and building your list from scratch.
First, I showed you how to create a “Lead Magnet” by finding a high quality report with private label rights at the Warrior Forum.
Then, I showed you an easy way to create a squeeze page and download page with WordPress and a free plugin.
Then, I showed you how to set up your email followup system and quickly build a relationship with your subscribers.
And finally, I gave you five methods for driving targeted traffic to your sales funnel.
So now you have two options:
1. You can close this report and let it collect virtual dust on your computer… 2. You can take action on each of these steps and start building your list today!

To you list building success

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